Our Process

Where do we start?

We evaluate your online presence to determine what can help your business – and what isn’t worth your time.



We take the time to understand your operations, product offerings, your customers, what makes you stand out, and why it matters.


Based on what we find out during Discovery, we’ll make recommendations and present a path forward. Our approach is tailored around how you can benefit.


We plan how we’ll be working together, and chart a course. In our view, it’s important to define goals and establish a cadence of communication, so you can stay up to date with progress.

How else can we help?


Project Management

Managing multiple contractors at once? Make sure you get the most out of vendors you already employ. We help make sure they stay on task and on-budget.


Vendor Management

Hiring a creative services agency to build your website? No problem. We can manage the process on your behalf. We know the ins and outs of launching successful websites. Get it right the first time.




Why is search so important?

Search is crucial because it’s totally based on intent. For example, when someone types in a search for a local electrician – we know exactly what they’re looking for and can target those specific keywords.

How much should I spend on ads?

It depends – bids for social and search can vary based on geographic region, industry, and time of year. We research our approaches carefully and test into markets before major efforts. Most platforms give you granular control over your ad spend.

What are visitors doing?

We use tracking tools like Google Analytics, HotJar, and Facebook to get as many insights as we can. We can tell you a lot about what’s happening on your site, which can help you make decisions based on actual data.

Why should we work with you?

We want you to succeed on the web so you can focus on what’s most important – building relationships with customers and providing them with a great experience. We want the same, and positive word-of-mouth is vital for our own growth

What’s the best part of digital marketing?

Hands down – the conversation. Companies can interact with customers in a way that was never before possible. This helps them improve and make better business decisions.

Can you guarantee results?

That of course, depends on your definition of results! We tell most clients that while we can’t promise any particular outcomes with advertising – we will go out of our way to make sure you get value out of our partnership.

How can we work together?



MSA, Fixed Monthly Fee

Our most popular option. This gives you the greatest flexibility and typically lowest cost. We can work on any business marketing needs within the allocation of hours.


SOW/Scope of Work

This setup is best for more complex endeavors. Projects enable larger budgets to get more done and let us leverage professional partners in our network.